Food & Wine

Eating Late Is Worse for You Than You Think

It's time to cut out that late-night snacking habit...

A Brew for a Longer, Healthier Life

If you want to live longer brew yourself a cup of tea...

George Washington Should Have Chewed Better

George Washington didn't have wooden teeth... But his teeth were probably so brown that they looked like wood.

Beware the Latest Supplement Headlines

Before you get too excited about the latest supplement headlines, read our warning...

One Medical Test You Shouldn't Skip

There's an overtreatment epidemic in health care. But there's a screening that everyone should get...

Skip the Aspirin… Refill Your Coffee Cup Instead

Instead of a potentially dangerous daily aspirin regime, try a cup of coffee...

Skip the Fad Diets… Follow This Rule Instead

For years, experts have ranked it one of the world's best diets...

Even an Old, Blind Dog Knows Money Grows on Trees

For centuries, people have hunted for "gold" that's a superfood for your health...

How to Avoid Eternal Damnation

During the 13th century, many folks believed eating breakfast was an act of gluttony...

The 'Three Square Meals' Myth

For generations, we've been told it's important to eat "three square meals a day." But today, that advice could hurt your health...