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Don't Be a Victim of the Next Tech Bubble

It's easy to lose money with AI stocks. Here's what you should do to avoid becoming a victim of AI duds...

How to Hear From the Man Who Changed My Life

This man saved me from "selling shoes"…

Don't Ignore This 'Boring' Investment

I've met too many folks who are only invested in stocks because bonds are "boring"...

The Power of Eternal Optimism

The world isn't as doom and gloom as headlines make it out to be...

We're Richer Than Ever

I always say there's never a bad time to invest... only bad opportunities.

Where to Put Your Cash Today

Volatility has started moving higher, but this is still a good time to put your cash into quality stocks…

Why Humans Make Poor Investors

As humans, we're hardwired to make bad investment decisions…

Don't Miss the Most Controversial Interview of My Life

In two months, I'll share the stage with one of the most controversial figures in professional sports...

The Profitable Stocks You're Ignoring

Most investors are familiar with some of my favorite blue-chip stocks. But there's a group of stocks you're likely ignoring…

Digging Into Our Mailbag

It's one of my favorite days of the week... Sorting through your e-mails and getting the chance to answer a few questions…