Last year, Porter Stansberry said he wanted to get out of the traditional newsletter business.
So Porter, Steve Sjuggerud, and I designed something completely different than how we usually do things.
We called this product Stansberry Portfolio Solutions.
At its core, it's a way for you to see exactly how we recommend building a whole portfolio using all of the research we produce.
We developed three portfolios... each one tailored for a slightly different individual with different investment goals.
You don't need to worry about mastering things like volatility-based position sizing... tracking discounts on closed-end funds... figuring out how to calculate dividends into your stops... valuing distressed debt... or spotting capital-efficient business.
Instead, you just follow our simple, step-by-step instructions on what to buy, exactly how much to buy, and when to sell.
In fact, to follow this strategy and make sure you're never again taking on too much risk, you'll just have to hand the list to your broker or type in the stocks on your online brokerage account. It's that easy.
There's no more guesswork.
During a special event on Wednesday night, we talked about the incredible results we saw in 2017, explained how we're changing things this year, and we gave some of our biggest predictions for 2018.
Porter also teased some information about one of our next creations... the Stansberry Terminal. This is a product we're expecting to rival Bloomberg. As a Portfolio Solutions subscriber, you'd be one of the first with access to this exclusive service when we launch later this year.
If you're interested in learning more about how you can finally put all our research together to work in one portfolio, click here.
Q: Enjoyed your article on the virtues of blueberries. Do you like dark chocolate? It has the most antioxidant potential of any food. – S.G.
A: Short answer... we love dark chocolate. Long answer...
Dark chocolate has tons of health benefits. As you mentioned, it's high in antioxidants, which help fight inflammation. Chocolate stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which improves sexual function in men and women.
What's more, chocolate contains the molecule tyrosine, which your body makes into dopamine. High dopamine levels make you feel happier, calmer, and improve libido.
When you're looking at dark chocolate, the darker the better. You want to look for chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa to get the most health benefits.
Q: There are times it is not possible to meet your webinar schedule. Do you record so that we can register and listen later? – C.W.
A: We've had a lot of readers telling us they missed the webinar on Wednesday night. As I said earlier in the week, even if this type of "done for you portfolio" isn't what you're looking for, you don't want to miss out on our top predictions for 2018.
So for anyone who missed it, you can watch a replay of the webinar here.
Q: Someone on the national news earlier this week stated that the new flu vaccine is only 10% effective. What does Doc Eifrig have to say about this, assuming it is true? – C.R.
A: Beware what you see in the headlines. It's true that the new flu vaccine is only 10% effective... in Australia.
Back at the beginning of the season, we did see some headlines about 10% efficacy here too. But the latest estimates we saw put it at 30% effectiveness in the U.S. It changes depending on which strains of the virus hit each area. Remember too, that number may change as we still have another 11 to 13 weeks of flu season left. Plus, the overall effectiveness won't be fully realized until the season ends.
Just because the shot isn't as effective as the average (about 40% to 60%) doesn't mean you should forgo it. Our research writer, Amanda Cuocci, explains why in our newest Weekly Update. Watch it here.
What are your investment goals for 2018? Send them our way at [email protected].
What We're Reading...
- Something different: Is obesity contagious?
Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,
Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
Calistoga, California
January 26, 2018