Your chest is tight... You're having trouble breathing... You're so dizzy that it's hard to stand.
So your spouse calls 911.
You're loaded into an ambulance, the sirens blaring as you're rushed to the hospital. But which hospital?
In an emergency, you don't always get your hospital of choice. Standard protocol means you're most likely going to the nearest hospital. It's likely you wouldn't think to ask what hospital you're going to, let alone ask to be taken to a specific one.
But not all hospitals provide equal care.
So when you can choose – when you're having a scheduled surgery or getting treatment for cancer, for instance – finding the right hospital is critical for good care.
Thankfully, we have a wealth of data to use for these decisions.
Last month, U.S. News & World Report released its annual hospital rankings.
The hospital evaluations measure the number of patients and their survival, infection rates, and nurse staffing. The evaluation also considers specific procedures and how transparent hospitals are with their records.
In Retirement Millionaire, I've told readers about the changes coming to health care...
Your local, small-town hospital and emergency room are going away. So if you need urgent or emergent care and you're in the middle of nowhere, be really careful where you seek treatment.
The evidence shows that it's not worth the risk to have surgery at a local hospital when you can drive another 40 minutes to a better hospital.
Knowing the difference between top-performing hospitals and those that repeatedly do poor work can mean the difference between life and death. Even if you don't plan on a hospital visit anytime soon, it's important to know the rankings of local hospitals. So do your research to make sure you find the top places for cancer, heart, gastrointestinal, and other types of care.
The U.S. News & World Report review breaks hospitals down by specialty (and even state). For instance, the top five cancer hospitals are...
- University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York
- Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
- Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center, Boston
- UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles
The Medicare data are much more encompassing and cover every single hospital in the nation that accepts Medicare (nearly 4,800 hospitals).
Medicare looked at everything from procedure success rates to patient satisfaction, infection types and rates, readmission rates (how often patients need to come back for the same problem), and quality and value of care.
What's more, Medicare breaks it into state and national views, so you can compare across the country or narrow it down to your area.
Medicare also covered nursing homes, physician ratings, home health care providers and more. You can get started with all its work right here.
We decided to take a look at the overall Medicare ranking for the top 10 hospitals on the U.S. News & World Report list. The answers surprised us...
U.S. News & World ReportRank
Medicare Rating
(5 being the best) |
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Cleveland Clinic
Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston |
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore
UCLA Medical Center
New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell
UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago
Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania-Penn Presbyterian, Philadelphia
NYU Langone Medical Center,
New York |
*Baltimore hospitals all had "data withheld" listed on the report. We don't know the reasoning behind this yet, but we hope to see the rankings up next quarter.
Our goal here at Retirement Millionaire Daily is to arm you with the best information available so that you can make informed decisions about your own health and wellness. We hope you will use both these databases to find the best care available for your situation.

- Here's the U.S. News & World Report list and the state-by-state list.
- And here's the Medicare database.
- Something different: The secret history of presidential disease, sickness, and deception.
Dr. David Eifrig and the Retirement Millionaire Daily Research Team
September 13, 2016
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