While trenches served as subterranean safe havens, they conveniently doubled as burial pits under a certain kind of enemy fire... namely, poison gases like mustard and chlorine.
Since these gases were heavier than air, they sunk into the trenches and could linger there for even weeks. Soldiers breathed in the noxious fumes and suffered painful deaths from asphyxiation and blistered airways and skin.
That was what's now known as chemical warfare during World War I.
Today, the same kind of tragedy is playing out in the U.S., except it's happening in another kind of subterranean shelter: your basement.
And the danger doesn't just go away after a couple of weeks...
Perhaps you've been going down there to relax in your "man cave"... get work done in your home-office setup... or fold some laundry.
Well, you've been doing it all while breathing in a toxic gas for years: radon.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"), radon is the No. 1 cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers. The National Cancer Institute estimates that nearly 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year are related to radon.
Worse, a recent Harvard study found that almost 25% of Americans are being exposed to dangerously high levels of this stuff. And a 2024 survey from the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center revealed that 75% of Americans have never even tested their homes for radon.
What is radon?
Unlike the instantly recognizable stench and the sickly yellow-green hue of mustard or chlorine gas, you can't see or smell radon.
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that's produced by decaying uranium. It's found in soil and water, and even low levels are present in the air we breathe.
The problem occurs when radon gas enters your home through the foundation and gets trapped. Radon can get in through exposed crawl spaces, cracks in concrete slabs, construction joints, and openings around sump pumps and drains.
Long-term exposure to high levels of radon can cause cancer. Children are especially susceptible because they have faster breathing rates compared with adults.
Radon gas is also heavier than oxygen, so levels are more concentrated on the floor versus the ceiling. Children tend to spend more time on the floor, playing or crawling, and playrooms are often in a home's basement. (This goes for our precious pets, too... Fido spends all of his time on the ground, so he is also susceptible to the cancer-causing effects of radon.)
How do I know if my house has radon?
Since radon gas is invisible and odorless, and there are no immediate exposure symptoms, testing is the only way to know if your house has it.
The EPA recommends testing all homes for radon. The agency estimates that as many as 8 million homes throughout the country have elevated levels of radon.
The map below shows how radon levels can vary based on geographic location. It's still important to test even if you live in a low-risk area, as levels can be very different in neighboring homes. It also doesn't matter if your house is old or new, large or small.
You can test for radon yourself with a do-it-yourself ("DIY") short-term test kit, found at your local hardware store.
The kit contains a small canister, usually charcoal-based. You place the test in your basement (or the lowest level in your home), where it just sits undisturbed for about 48 hours (or for up to 90 days, depending on the type of short-term test you get). Then you mail the canister to a specified, certified lab for results.
The EPA recommends fixing (or "remediating") homes if radon levels are higher than 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L).
What if my test reveals I have high levels?
First, don't panic. If your test reveals your home has elevated radon levels, you don't need to overact. Remember that the danger is from long-term exposure, and the risks are cumulative. Know that radon levels tend to be higher in your home during the winter. It's from keeping windows closed. They can also be higher after a rainstorm.
Contact your local EPA office so staff can provide you with a list of qualified professionals who can install a radon-mitigation system in your home. This can cost a few hundred dollars, up to $1,500.
Usually, a fan is installed to direct the radon gas out of your home. Once outside, the radon naturally dissipates into the air and is no longer a problem.
I know some skilled DIY-ers who have fixed the radon problem themselves, but I don't recommend this unless you have the right tools and knowledge. You could end up making the problem even worse...
Some potential issues include backdrafting (accidently pulling carbon monoxide from the furnace flue back into the house), piercing hidden pipes, and radon reentry.
Radon-mediation systems work. Some can reduce radon levels in your home by 99%. You should retest after the mitigation system is in place, just to ensure the problem is taken care of.
What are your experiences with radon? Let us know at [email protected].
P.S. Your home could have dirtier air than the air outside, thanks to several other sources of indoor air pollution. Check them out in this issue of Retirement Millionaire. (Or grab a trial subscription to my flagship newsletter.)
What We're Reading (and Watching)...
- Improved radon gas mapping finds nearly 25% of Americans living in highest-risk areas.
- Something different: The global matcha boom is driving a shortage in Japan.
Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,
Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
March 18, 2025