Ask Doc

'I Got It Wrong in China'

"I got it wrong in China..."

During an emergency briefing Wednesday night, my good friend and colleague Steve Sjuggerud detailed his first trip to China in 1996.

Making the Most of Your Retirement Income

Over the past few days, I've heard from dozens of people writing in about their retirement situation and asking what to do with their IRAs.

Several people asked what I do with my own money.

Don't Let the Airlines Rip You Off

There's a lot to dislike about airlines.

You've probably seen the recent United Airlines controversies. They got a lot of attention – plastered all over the TV and newspaper headlines. But airlines mistreating folks isn't anything surprising... even when it comes to their most loyal customers.

On Your Mind... Knee Surgery, Options, and Reverse Mortgages

You're flooding our inbox again...

In our regular monthly issue of my Retirement Millionaire newsletter, we asked subscribers to send us ideas they'd like to read about. Dozens of you have written in with suggestions.

Are Your 'Chaos Hedges' Ready?

On Wednesday night, Stansberry Research founder Porter Stansberry hosted an emergency briefing with one of the most well-connected insiders in Washington. We've called him the "Metropolitan Man."

They discussed sweeping policy changes that we could see this year – including tax reform – where they see the economy heading in the next few years, and where you should put your money.

Do You Believe Big Government Is on Your Side?

Earlier this week, I was in Kiawah Island, South Carolina at the annual Stansberry Spring Editors' Conference.

Several dozen colleagues and I spent two days discussing current investment ideas and future trends... looking at ways to increase our rational investing and health care influence in the world... and much more.

Why I Want You to Be More Than Just a Reader

Messages like this one are why I write my letters...

I think I have discovered a new hobby... one that can make me some money instead of costing money. I am enjoying this whole thing immensely... soaking up the webinars, the online education, the books. It all makes great sense to me. I don't think it will make me a gazillionaire like you guys, but it will get me closer to my $2 million retirement goal.

My Favorite Wine Folks Are at It Again

I love wine... Drinking it, making it, and sharing it...

Regular readers already know the benefits from drinking wine in moderation. And Stansberry Alliance members likely know that I even launched my own Cabernet Sauvignon from Dry Creek Valley last year (a spectacular success, but made in very limited quantities).

Is Our Advice Antiquated?

Recently, a reader wrote in asking me to "give up some of [my] antiquated notions about doctoring."

I like antiques as much as the next person, but I don't consider myself one.

Why It's OK to Indulge

I'm in Toronto...

Every time I'm in Canada, I make sure to indulge in one of my favorite comfort foods – poutine.