Ask Doc

Why It's OK to Indulge

I'm in Toronto...

Every time I'm in Canada, I make sure to indulge in one of my favorite comfort foods – poutine.

Beating Your Broker's Commissions

Fees are one of the greatest enemies to your investments.

High fees will erode your earnings... take a little bit of your money at a time... and add up to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.

How to Find the Next Winning Stock, No Shortcuts Here

When I recommend a stock in Retirement Millionaire, I focus on income and whether the company has a long history of growing revenues...

Stocks like Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B), up 192% since we added it to our model portfolio, Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), up 123%, and Microsoft (MSFT), up 165%...

The Importance of Taking Care of Yourself

Nearly nine years ago, I wrote the first issue of Retirement Millionaire.

Since then, one piece of advice has shaped how I share my knowledge of ways to improve your health and wealth: Take care of yourself.

'Stop Trying to Sell Us'

We haven't gotten many complaints in our inbox lately, but there is one we keep seeing... Folks want us to "stop selling" in our Retirement Millionaire Daily.

I'm no stranger to hating sales pitches.

Sleep Better – and Safer – Tonight

Longtime readers know a good night's sleep is one of the most important ways to maintain and improve health.

It's also become a popular topic in our feedback. We've gotten dozens of tips from readers on how to sleep better...

You Asked Great Questions Last Night... Here Are My Answers

I had a great time last night taking your questions about the Stansberry Portfolio Solutions product.

My partners, Porter Stansberry and Steve Sjuggerud, and I were honored by your interest in this new approach to investing newsletters. To be honest, we had no idea if it would succeed or not. (We still don't.)

Your Favorite Issues of 2016

Happy New Year from me and my team here at Retirement Millionaire Daily.

Last month, we asked you to share some of your favorite issues with us. Today, we're sharing those responses. And we'll also sprinkle in a few of our own.

Getting Everything You Need... Without Ever Leaving Home

Technology saved my Turkey Day...

A few days before the holiday, our guest list unexpectedly increased.

Is Fluoride Making Children Dumber?

Fluoride, options, and do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders...

Those are the most asked-about topics over the last couple of weeks. We have a lot of questions about these topics to answer this week, so let's get to them...