Ignoring an itchy bug bite could ruin your life...
Living Well
The Health 'Fad' You Should Follow
There's a health fad we've talked about for years that you should be following...
Doc's Two Keys to a Healthier Life
If you want to live a longer, healthier life, these are the two things you need to do...
The No. 1 Rule for Safe and Effective Weight Loss
Summer is upon us, which brings one thing... dozens of weight-loss ads. Most of these promos are pure B.S.
Finding the Right Meditation for You
For decades, it was something that only monks and hippies did...
The Colors of Healing
If you want your mind and body to feel better, take some time to add more blue and green to your life...
Doc's Guide to Avoiding Surgery
Today, I'm here to tell you something those surgeons don't want you to know...
Falling Victim to a Deadly Health Mantra
When I exercise, I do it to benefit my body... not to push my body past its limit. You should do the same...
Stop Wasting Money on This Medical Myth
It's one of the most pervasive myths in medicine... And if you're a woman, you're probably familiar with it.
Don't Let the Springtime Blues Get You Down
For many, the start of spring marks end of seasonal depression. But for some, spring and summer are the most difficult seasons of the year...