In the 1980s, a health fad swept America...
Living Well
Four Ways to Prevent This Unexpected Death Sentence
When you're young, it seems like no big deal. But as you age, it can become a death sentence...
Be Prepared for Disaster
September is National Preparedness Month... Do you have a plan in place for when disaster strikes?
Our Favorite Reader Tips on Hearing Aids
We're turning over today's issue to you, our reader...
This Shot Could Save Your Life
It's going to be a bad flu season this year...
Bring On the Hate Mail
We hate to say we told you so...
Five Ways to Get Moving... Even When You're Sitting
Readers ask us all the time, "How do I get exercise if I'm not able to stand for long?" Today, we're answering that question...
Don't Let Your Health Ruin Your Retirement
One small accident can ruin your retirement paradise...
Ask Yourself Three Uncomfortable Questions
Today, I want you to ask yourself a few uncomfortable questions...
Are You Brave Enough to Accept My Challenge?
Life after the pandemic has led us back into bad habits...