Living Well

How to Stop That Ringing in Your Ears

Most folks have had the so-called earworm inside their minds...

Seven Tips to Survive the Heat This Summer

It's not even officially summer we're already feeling the heat...

The Nerve You Should Never Neglect

Your body has a superhighway, which, if you can master it, will vastly improve your well-being...

If You Live in One of These States, Move Now

It's time to get the heck out of our hometown...

Here's How I Do 'Neuron Aerobics'

Once a week, I do a few things to keep my brain healthy some folks might find crazy...

The Military's Music Doctors

After the fall of Nazi Germany in May 1945, veterans traveled home from faraway places filled with death and fear...

Five Steps to Take to Survive the Next Natural Disaster

With hurricane season starting next week, I want to cover a few steps you can take to be ready for the next natural disaster...

Improve Your Health in Just a Minute a Day

The next time you hop in the shower, try turning the temperature down for incredible health benefits...

Seven Ways to Declutter Your Life

If you want to de-stress your life, use this month to de-mess your home...

Three Ways to Make the Most of Your Meditation

Step aside Marie Kondo... This year, we're doing a different sort of "deep clean" for spring cleaning... for your brain.