Every day, there's a battle inside your body between your army of healthy cells and damaging molecules...
Living Well
The $3 Tool That Could Save Your Life
Skipping out on this uncomfortable process is lazy... and downright dangerous to your health.
The Importance of Clean Air
In 1952, thousands of people died within five days in London. Not because of an infectious disease...
Four Questions to Consider Before You Move
Moving is one of the most stressful things most of us will do. Here's what to think about before you decide to move...
How to Fight Back Against Elder Care Abuse
None of us are getting any younger. And as we age, we become more vulnerable... the perfect target for predators.
Three Big Reasons to Have More Fun
As we age, it becomes unacceptable adults to be playful and zany. But having fun is great for our health...
Your Changeable Brain, Part II
If you want to keep your brain healthy, here are seven things you should start doing today...
Your Changeable Brain, Part I
If you're in need of a brain change, just start using your thoughts...
'Grounding' and Our Search for Good Science
You probably haven't heard of "grounding," but its popularity is growing. So we checked the science behind it...
Six Secrets for a Better Sex Life
As you get older, a healthy sex life can get more difficult, but we've got six tips to help you improve your health and your sex life...