The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") is at it again...
Living Well
If You're Counting on Medicare... Read This Today
Medicare will become insolvent in just five years. What's your backup plan?
Clear Your Mind and Improve Your Life
For decades, it was a hokey "health practice"... But today it's big business with good reason.
Using an Ancient Practice to Fight Modern Problems
For decades, it was taboo in the world of health. But today, it's finally getting the attention it deserves...
Improve Your Life in Just 10 Minutes a Day
There's something ancient and primal that many top athletes, school-aged children, and members of the armed forces have in common...
Why I'm Getting a Flu Shot
Four years ago, I wrote a shocking confession... That I was finally considering getting a flu shot.
Three Ways to Survive Cold and Flu Season
The flu was almost nonexistent last year. Don't expect this year's flu season to be as easy...
Taking the Emotion Out of Deciding Where to Live
Don't let moving get you stuck with 'Cereal Aisle Syndrome'...
Let Your Hands Speak Louder Than Your Words
Good communication relies not just on speaking well... It's not what you say, but how you say it.
Don't Let Your Anxiety Beat You
Life might seem to be going back to normal, but more and more Americans are anxious about the future...