Living Well

Big Pharma's Calcium Lie

I've spent years debunking the one claim Big Pharma keeps pushing: You need more calcium. Here's the truth...

Fellas, It's Time to Toss Your Little Blue Pills

It's what I've said for years – simple lifestyle changes are much more beneficial than a bunch of pills...

Stop Doing These Three Things Immediately

With so many conflicting sources of information out there, how can you tell what's good, true, or even useful?

How to Prevent One of the Greatest Dangers to the Elderly

In nursing homes, one of the leading causes of accidental death is due to falling and hitting your head. This is the easiest way to prevent falls...

There Are No Silver Bullets

Whenever you're not feeling well, everyone's going to tell you what meds to take. Ignore them...

Three Ways to Diversify Your 'Personal Assets'

Diversifying your personal assets is at least as important as diversifying your financial assets. Here's how to get started...

Don't Make Andrei's Mistake

Andrei made a common mistake with his assets... and it nearly destroyed his wealth.

Three Therapies to Fight Parkinson's

April is Parkinson's Awareness Month... And we're sharing three ways to fight the symptoms of this incurable disease.

Nowhere Is Safe From the Deadly Pests

No matter what state you're in, ticks are an ever-present pest... And this year might be the worst season for them yet.

Boost Your COVID-19 Protection With Doc's Favorite Activity

If you're soon getting a vaccine, there's an incredibly simple way to nearly guarantee your immune system makes the most of it...