Living Well

We're Still Facing the First Wave of COVID-19

Everyone's worried about the second wave of COVID-19. But we're still not out of the first wave yet.

Vitamin D and COVID-19: What You Need to Know

I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it: There is no silver bullet for COVID-19.

Don't Believe Everything You Read About COVID-19

If you believe the latest headlines, a receding hairline means you'll wind up on a ventilator if you catch COVID-19.

Here Are the Tools to Build Your Financial Literacy

Whether you are a longtime investor or just graduating and wanting to learn more about how to handle your wealth, it is time to start building – or refreshing – your financial literacy today.

Declutter Your Way to a Stress-Free Summer

With places opening back up, it's time to declutter and destress. So we're sharing our favorite tips for clearing out some space...

Itching to Start Gardening? Read This First...

Before you head out to the garden, make sure you're protected from these dangerous plants...

The Death of Happy Hour

As states around the country reopen, people are excited to get back to business as usual. But that won't be the normal we're used to...

Men, It's Time to Take Your Health Seriously

Fellas, it's time to fess up... When is the last time you went to the doctor? Months? Years? Decades?

Death by COVID-19

In this world of COVID-19, you need to understand who is dying and who is most at risk.

Plant Your Way to Happiness

Here's a simple tip that will get you outside and active, and help you beat the stress most of us are feeling from the pandemic...