Living Well

Plant Your Way to Happiness

Here's a simple tip that will get you outside and active, and help you beat the stress most of us are feeling from the pandemic...

Four Ways to Combat Your Allergies

Roughly 50 million Americans dread "allergy season" each year. But you don't have to suffer this season...

Three Ways to Keep Calm and Stay Grounded Through This Crisis

Most of us are facing quarantine fatigue. So here are three of the best tips I have for calming yourself during this time...

Protect Your Heart With One of the Best Exercises in the World

Getting up and moving is critical to your survival. Here's one of the best ways to do that, especially if you're stuck at home...

Why We'll Never Know the True Numbers for COVID-19

I've pounded the table on this since February: We don't know the true numbers for the COVID-19 crisis.

The Second Wave of the COVID-19 Crisis

We're at the start of a second wave in the pandemic – this time it's targeting our mental health.

Trust No One on the Phone... Not Even the Fraud Department

Your credit-card company's fraud department might call you... but sometimes, it turns out, it is the fraud.

Motivation and Mindfulness During the COVID-19 Crisis

Right now more than ever, we need to focus on taking care of our whole selves, and that starts with taking care of our mental health.

The COVID-19 Drug Dangers No One Mentions

There's an urgency to find a silver bullet for coronavirus. But that leads to a lot of corner-cutting and potentially deadly oversight...

Three Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp in a Shutdown

While we're stuck indoors during this shutdown, we should make learning a priority. Here are my top three ways to keep your brain active...