Living Well

Six Ways to Ruin Your Holidays

It's late December... That means it's time for me to ruin your holidays.

Readers have accused me of putting too much of a damper on the joyful season. That's because I always encourage folks to have the hard discussions while all the family is together. And by hard discussions, I mean end-of-life planning.

'We're a Country of Liars'

Turns out, we're a country of liars.

No, I'm not wading into political waters... I'm referring to the new finding that up to 80% of us lie to our doctors.

Our Favorite Things of 2018

If you're like me, you're still hunting for last-minute Christmas gifts.

So we're skipping today's regular Q&A issue... Don't worry, it'll be back next week.

Three Tips to Fight off the Christmas Blues

You've likely heard the line, "suicides spike around the holidays."

The truth is, November and December see the fewest suicides year-round.

The Silent Killer Lurking in Your Basement

You're enjoying retirement in your family home. You've worked hard for years to pay off the mortgage and you look forward to staying put.

But what you don't suspect is that something lurking in your basement has been silently killing you for years.

The Feds Are Finally Catching Up to Me

It's about time the FDA finally agreed with me... only 10 years later.

Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a statement about my favorite type of oil... olive oil. Oils with high levels of a certain type of fatty acid called oleic acid can now boast about their health claims. In other words, your favorite bottle of olive oil may now carry a statement about heart health. According to the FDA's language, the manufacturers may state that:

The Killer About to Overtake Heart Disease as No. 1

For years, heart disease has held its place as Public Enemy No. 1. It's the top killer in the U.S. According to the American Heart Association's annual report, cardiovascular disease kills about 800,000 people each year.

That sounds awful, but rates of heart disease-related deaths have dropped. A new report in the Annals of Internal Medicine shows that between 2003 and 2015, deaths from heart disease declined by 28%.

For a Better Brain, Go for a Bitter Brew

Longtime readers know I love coffee...

I've even touted it as the only "supplement" that I take three times a day – with a splash of real half-and-half if I can get it.

Eight Ways to Protect Your Home for the Holidays

One night, you come home to find your door kicked open. Your house has been torn apart. Your electronics are missing. No laptop, no iPad, no television left. Your wife's jewelry is gone.

You've just been the victim of a burglary. According to the latest data from the FBI, about 1.4 million burglaries happened in 2017, a slight drop from previous years. However, victims lost $3.4 billion in property.

What Your Social Life Says About Your Brain Health

I want to ask you a question that could save your life: How lonely do you feel?

What I mean is, do you routinely engage with other people and feel a sense of belonging? Do you have solid relationships where you are cared for and appreciated?