Living Well

You're Taking Viagra and Don't Even Know It

Half of you reading this need to stop your dangerous habit.

I'm talking to the 49% of Americans who take dietary supplements. More specifically, I want to focus on those "magic cure" pills that promise everything from better sexual performance to quick and easy weight loss.

My War on Diet Soda

I hate diet soda.

Longtime readers know I've railed against diet sodas for years, namely because of the dangerous artificial sweeteners they use.

Don't Let Michael Ruin Your Vacation

Folks continue to rebuild after and recover from Hurricane Florence.

The hurricane, one of the wettest on record, brought not only a storm surge but also massive flooding. Rivers overflowed and entire towns, highways, and more saw severe flooding. Moody's puts the estimated damage at about $38 to $50 billion.

How to Overcome the Biggest Hurdle to Getting Active

Sometimes I hate scientific studies.

More specifically, I hate how the popular media writes about them.

Seven Ways to Improve Your Sleep 'Hygiene'

Have you ever dozed off at a ball game... in a work meeting... or worse, at the wheel?

Like many people, I've dozed off behind the wheel before. It's terrifying to think about how horribly that can end. For some people, the consequences are fatal.

How to Use a 'Stop Loss' for Your Health Care

Most folks, when they start losing, can't help but lose more.

It's human nature to let these losses build up.

An Unconventional Indicator for the State of Our Health

I love unconventional indicators.

Longtime readers might remember my "Cabbie Index" or how I can tell a lot from the economy based on my breakfast bagel.

Get Ready: Flu Season Is Already Here

I can tell it's already cold and flu season with just one look around the office. There are people coughing, blowing their noses, and struggling through fatigue.

Typically, flu season doesn't really start until October. But we've already seen confirmed cases in the U.S. Just last week, a plane landing at JFK airport in New York had 19 people taken off with illness. Several of them tested positive for the flu.

These Four Tips Could Save Your Life

Your life could change in a split second.

Imagine you're home alone. Maybe you slip in the shower. Maybe your socks slip on the stairs. Maybe you trip over your Chihuahua. But before you know it, you're on the floor – injured and possibly unconscious. This could mean anything from an ER visit to expensive nursing-home bills... or even death.

Send This to Every Man You Know

It's the No. 1 cancer diagnosed in men. About one in six men will receive a diagnosis during his lifetime.

Prostate cancer affects thousands of American men every year. Fortunately, even though it's the most common cancer in men, it's also far from the deadliest. In fact, many men die of other diseases before the cancer progresses to a point where it can be fatal. But it's still crucial to understand this cancer and what to do should you receive a diagnosis.