Living Well

Enjoy the Benefits of Coffee Without the Buzz

Even the baristas know about this new coffee study...

Last week, my researcher chatted with the barista at our local Starbucks. The topic turned to a brand-new study on the benefits of coffee, regardless of caffeine content. We love when health topics make the headlines... without misleading the public.

The Real Costs of Hearing Loss

What does television volume have to do with dementia? More than you probably think...

It turns out that hearing loss, if not diagnosed and addressed with things like hearing aids, contributes to the development of dementia.

Don't Let These Pests Ruin Your Summer

Ticks... Mosquitoes... Kissing bugs...

Summer is full of nasty insects. Mosquitoes are already eating us alive here in Baltimore. And as we wrote at the end of May, we're seeing a higher than average number of ticks this year.

When Your Immune System Attacks

"The itching was so bad, I wanted to cut off my arm..."

That's how a coworker recently described a flare-up of her chronic skin condition, eczema. She isn't alone in her agony, either. The skin condition made news last week when reports out of Hong Kong cited it as the reason a young woman killed her parents and herself.

No, Your Kitchen Isn't Crawling With Deadly Bugs

The big E. coli scare isn't over yet...

Last month, we saw the spread of a strain of E. coli that contaminated romaine lettuce. Nearly 200 people fell ill and about half wound up in the hospital. Five folks died from the bacterial infection.

It's Time to Discuss This Taboo Topic

There's a killer in folks 65 and older that we don't talk about.

It's an epidemic that carries so much stigma, no one wants to talk about it. Doctors are reluctant to discuss it with patients and few senior centers do enough to raise awareness and provide support.

My Lousy Education

Doc's note: Today, I'm sharing an essay from famed political satirist P.J. O'Rourke. In a recent issue of his online magazine, American Consequences, P.J. explains why the world needs "B.S." degrees.

American Consequences is edited by P.J. and written by some of the smartest contrarian market analysts in the world. The best part is... it's 100% free. There's no subscription fee or "paywall" or anything like that. Sign up to start receiving issues right here.

This Is Your Optimal Amount of Exercise

"If you can move, you're alive."

I've carried that phrase with me since medical school.

Six Ways to Sidestep Phone Scams

Each year, scammers steal $3 billion from seniors.

And one of the easiest ways fraudsters steal from folks is over the phone.

Ignoring This Common Problem Could Trigger Dementia

Imagine you've started having trouble hearing. Maybe it's just slight changes, like struggling to follow a conversation with your friends in a busy restaurant. Or you have trouble understanding soft dialogue at the movies. Maybe you keep complaining that your spouse mumbles too much.

Over time, you stop going out as often. It's embarrassing to ask folks to repeat themselves. So, you stay in and slowly lose your social circle. The next thing you know, you start forgetting things. You feel depressed and it's hard to concentrate.