Even Alaska isn't safe anymore.
According to a study from the Journal of Medical Entomology, Alaska is now home to ticks.
Even Alaska isn't safe anymore.
According to a study from the Journal of Medical Entomology, Alaska is now home to ticks.
Memorial Day weekend is upon us, which brings one thing... Dozens of weight-loss ads.
It's hard to listen to the radio or read the paper without seeing an ad promising a "beach-ready body" in just a few weeks.
We've turned into the "Indoor Generation." And it's killing us.
A new survey conducted for the Danish window and skylight company Velux found that on average, Americans spend 90% of their time indoors.
We live and breathe research studies.
My team scours journals to find the latest scientific studies and reports. Our goal is to provide you with the best information possible so you can make informed decisions about your health.
Ask anyone over the age of 65 what they worry about the most as they age. You're likely to hear many say dementia, memory loss, or Alzheimer's disease.
But there's a silent mental illness that's twice as prevalent as dementia. And you're up to eight times more likely to face it than depression, which is also common in seniors.
We've all faced this embarrassing problem. You're in the middle of a conversation and you stop. The word you want is just out of reach, on the tip of your tongue.
It's not only a nuisance, but a sign of aging.
Sometimes I feel like I just keep repeating myself.
And the truth is, I have repeated myself often. That's because so many people simply haven't listened to what I've said for years. In fact, I still have people come to me and explain why they've started taking fish-oil pills.
What if I told you that reading my newsletters could prevent dementia?
It's not just hubris. Financial literacy helps keep your brain healthy. Financial literacy is an understanding of the basics of personal finance and investing, including things like understanding debt and planning for your retirement.
"It's our busiest time of year."
That's what a local flooring contractor recently told one of my researchers. As he explained, "Everyone's busy spending their tax refunds."
Across the U.S., many of us go outside and see the same thing – sheets of pollen covering our cars every morning.
For about 50 million Americans, that only means one thing... It's the beginning of headache season.