Living Well

The 'New' Disease You Already Have

An alarming rate of Americans have this "new" disease.

You've probably never heard of it. But up to 46% of you reading this likely have it. It's called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD.

You Don't Know Who Owns Your Credit Card

It's been three days since your spouse's funeral. You finally decide to leave the house and visit the grocery store for some food. But as you check out, the system declines your credit card. You try it again, but it keeps failing. Now you have no other way to pay – what do you do?

Each year, many Americans face a similar crisis. That's because so many people don't understand the structure of credit-card accounts and they're not prepared in the event of a death.

The Dangerously Stupid Trend Bringing Back Typhoid

Let's get one thing straight... "Raw water" is stupid.

You may have seen the new trend making headlines.

If You Haven't Secured Your Credit... You Need to Read This

The Equifax hack just got worse...

Last September, Equifax admitted it had been hacked back in May. About 145 million Americans had their information exposed.

The Retirement Move That Could Kill You

Living in a city sounds perfect for many retirees.

Plenty of public transportation means no driving. Living in apartments or condos mean no more yard work. And with all the best museums and restaurants around, you'll never get bored.

The Top Four Ways to Sabotage Your Sleep

More than a third of Americans are good at one particular thing...

Being exhausted.

Big Pharma Shysters Are at It Again

Last November, the American College of Cardiology, along with the American Heart Association, changed the diagnostic criteria for high blood pressure, or hypertension.

Blood pressure happens when blood racing from the heart pushes against the walls of your arteries and vessels. A blood-pressure measurement consists of two numbers: systolic and diastolic.

The Real Danger Behind This Season's Flu

I want you to imagine the following scenario...

Two days ago, the flu hit you hard. You've stayed in bed with fever, chills, body aches, and congestion.

Three Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Your Next Car

It's a great time to buy a car.

These days, even basic economy cars offer a level of quality, performance, safety, and technology not found in luxury sedans 10 years ago.

This Common Sign of Aging Could Signal a Deadly Disease

Many people dismiss anxiety as a typical sign of aging.

You've probably done it. Think about the last time you visited your parents or another loved one in a senior living community. Did you notice changes in appetite, poor sleep, or trouble concentrating? Did they hoard food or avoid participating in any social activities?