Living Well

If You've Got Achy Joints... Stop Eating These Foods

Even Neanderthals had achy knees.

A study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) looked at more than 2,000 skeletons, dating all the way back to our earliest ancestors through modern day folks.

Three Rules for Protecting Yourself From Phone Scams

"Good morning! I'm calling from the National Institutes of Health. You've been selected to receive a grant for $14,000."

Sound familiar? It's a new scam hitting folks over the phone.

The Secret to Living Longer... Get Social

Workplace happy hours aren't just fun... they help you live longer.

We've warned you before about the dangers of isolation in retirement. Cutting yourself off from social situations leads to depression, one of the growing health concerns for folks 65 and older.

The New Way Thieves Target You

Imagine relaxing on the beach, umbrella drink in hand. The kids are snapping photos... Your wife's reading a book... Your vacation is perfect.

Then you get a call from back home. It's the police. Someone broke into your home... Your laptop, jewelry, and television are all gone.

Prevention Isn't in a Pill

We love easy fixes in America... From dangerous bottled water to popping pills for any number of conditions, we put a lot of unnecessary chemicals into our bodies.

And it's only getting worse.

Stop This Kidney Killer Before Your Next Workout

After your next workout, check your urine.

It might sound strange, but high-intensity exercise without the proper precautions can trigger kidney failure. One of the main symptoms is dark red or brown urine. It can appear even a few days after an intense workout, sometimes with vomiting, swelling, and muscle pain.

Guard Against This Stressful Retirement Decision

Itchy rashes, depression, pounding headaches, stomach ulcers... older women in Japan are developing these and other stress-related medical issues by the score.

It's called "retired husband syndrome."

Convenience Is Killing You

We're getting lazy, America.

A new report released by Stanford University found that America is now one of the laziest countries in the world. That's because we have such a low average for steps taken per day.

What to Do After the Funeral

Doc's note: We're featuring another essay from my researcher, Amanda Cuocci. This month, she's sharing insight into all the work it takes to handle someone's affairs after their death.


Your Parents Are in Danger

America is in the middle of another epidemic.

You've likely seen headlines about the opioid crisis. Overdose deaths hit new highs and police now carry the antidote drug naloxone with them.