It's a phrase that makes most of us shudder: tax season.
The dread is real. So it's no wonder that many Americans procrastinate when it comes to filing their tax returns.
It's a phrase that makes most of us shudder: tax season.
The dread is real. So it's no wonder that many Americans procrastinate when it comes to filing their tax returns.
It seems harmless enough. You find someone on Facebook who offers to pay you for that old record player that's been collecting dust in your basement. You arrange a day to have them come over and pick it up.
But instead of a harmless transaction, the person pulls a gun and robs you right in your own home.
It's that time of year again...
The holiday season is over. There are no more Christmas gifts to be given, no more family dinners to endure... And if you're like many people, you're probably left with a stack of almost-empty gift cards in your wallet after trying to spend them at the mall.
Doc's note: Today, I'm rounding out my series of the three things you need to do to live a healthier, wealthier lifestyle in 2019 with the one thing I see millennials doing better than other generations. No matter how old you are, it's something you need to start doing today...
This time of year, I see a lot of folks traveling. We're gearing up for the holidays, when airports are busiest. But in the new fiscal quarter, which started in October, plenty of businessmen travel to work sites and other office branches.
And it's not just my imagination... Fall brings a huge uptick in air travel. According to data from travel management firm SAP Concur, crowds grow as we move toward the end of the year. In fact, October and November are the busiest months even for infrequent travelers.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you how ridiculously expensive colleges are nowadays.
Dozens of colleges, like George Washington University in Washington, D.C., have the gall to charge more than $55,000 per year for tuition.
Doc's note: We're continuing our special holiday series, sharing our favorite issues. Today's essay was chosen by one of our team members, Jeff Havenstein...
If you're like me and get upset every time you look at your monthly cable bill, it might be time to make a change.
Our mailroom is ready to burst.
This time of year, our office administrator scolds us for having too many packages delivered to the office. The fact that researchers predict online sales will pass 50% of all sales this year for the first time ever doesn't help.
Doc's note: Today, I'm sharing another one of our most popular essays from 2017. No one likes to think about the death of a loved one, but you need to be prepared for the worst if your spouse dies. Here's how...
We talk a lot about preparation here at Retirement Millionaire Daily...
Medicare is running out of money.
Earlier this week, the federal government announced that Medicare's Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will run out of money by 2029. This is one of two trust funds set up to pay the growing costs of Medicare, specifically Medicare Part A benefits and administration costs.