I spent more than a decade at some of the biggest investment banks in the world... And one secret I learned is to ignore the day-to-day headlines of the financial media.
Instead, follow the money.
When you turn on the TV or check Twitter, you'll find a lot of hype and even some flat-out lies. The goal of the financial news media is to gain viewers and get clicks. And you don't do that by saying everything is OK.
You get folks to tune in when they're scared.
The same is true of your health. One day, eggs are good for you, and then next, they're a major cause of death.
That's why I always tell readers to ignore the hype.
Blindly following the herd is never a good decision. I prefer to be cautious when some big news takes over the headlines.
However, being cautious about much-hyped trends doesn't mean ignoring them...
Consider artificial intelligence ("AI").
It's no secret that AI and things like machine learning have been overhyped in past years, but they're real today. In fact, AI played a vital role in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine.
The hype went into overdrive last November, when OpenAI launched ChatGPT. Within two months, ChatGPT had more than 100 million active users. You can use the chatbot to write essays and computer code, create art, solve complex math problems, and plan your vacation.
We've received countless questions about the AI craze sweeping the country right now.
So on Wednesday, July 19, I'll be joined by 50-year Wall Street veteran Marc Chaikin to cut through the hype and give you our full and unbiased answers on AI.
If you've given any thought to investing in the AI sector or you're just interested in learning more about what AI means for our future, click here to reserve your spot for our AI event.
Now, let's get into some of the things you've had on your minds this week. As always, keep sending your comments, questions, and topic suggestions to [email protected]. We read every e-mail.
Q: I would like to ask Dr. Eifrig and his team if they have any information/guidance about healthy hydration. There must be some discussion about this because the debate about water consumption continues. Thanks. – B.D.
A: You're absolutely right, B.D. There's a lot of confusing information out there about how much water you should drink each day.
There's a long-held belief that folks should drink eight 8-ounce glasses (about half a gallon) of water per day to stay healthy. But it's misleading and not backed by science...
We get about 20% of our hydration needs from food, especially fruits and vegetables with high water content like watermelon and cucumber. The beverages we drink – including caffeinated drinks and alcohol – also add to our daily water needs. So it's unlikely you'd need eight glasses of water in addition to everything you eat and drink.
And the amount you need varies greatly based on other factors, like the climate you live in and your activity levels.
There's a simple way to tell if you're properly hydrated... Look at the color of your urine. When your body is properly hydrated, your urine should be a pale, nearly transparent yellow. Dark yellow urine could indicate dehydration. (The Cleveland Clinic has a helpful chart of the health implications of different urine colors here.)
If your urine is dark, add a glass or two of water to your daily intake. If your urine is clear (and you're urinating more than eight times per day), you're likely drinking more than you need to. The body can only absorb and excrete so much water at a time.
Q: Why is the water contained in the hot water heater found in most homes never mentioned as an emergency water source? – G.N.
A: The average water heater tank contains about 40 gallons of water (although some carry as much as 100 gallons). It's an option for water in an emergency, with a few caveats...
While the water in your water heater starts out as regular tap water, there's no guarantee that it's safe to drink. While water is sitting in your water heater's tank, it leaves mineral deposits, especially as the equipment gets older.
And then, once you're ready to use the hot water, it can have a higher concentration of those minerals than cold water that bypasses this mineral-filled tank. We spoke to a plumber who explained that flushing your tank once a year or so can help prevent excess buildup, but to be extra safe, boil and purify any water you're drinking straight from the tank.
And don't drink from the tank if it has been submerged in floodwaters, which could contaminate your tank with any number of nasty substances.
This guide from WikiHow takes you through the process of accessing water from your tank, step by step.
Overall, it's always best to make sure you have plenty of bottled water on hand just in case. That way you'll know it's safe and ready for drinking.
What We're Reading...
- Did you miss it? Water isn't the best way to stay hydrated.
- Something different: This artificial leg can feel.
Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,
Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
July 14, 2023