"Most of our subscribers will fall into the euphoria. And most of them won't get out."
That was the grave warning last night from my good friend and Stansberry Research founder Porter Stansberry during a special event with my colleague Dr. Steve Sjuggerud and TradeStops founder Dr. Richard Smith.
Porter and I don't always agree on what we see happening in the market. But there is one thing we do agree on...
When this market turns down... whether it's next month or years from now... you must know how to protect your money.
Steve also mentioned a concern I've often voiced in this letter... Most investors get emotionally attached to their investments. And they don't get out of a bad investment until it's too much late.
Here's the simple key to protection... Limit your risk.
It's a simple rule. But most investors regularly break it.
That's where Richard's TradeStops system can help you.
Richard has developed a software system that's designed to keep you safe during these volatile and challenging markets.
Think of it as if you're sitting at a traffic light. Richard uses a green light, yellow light, red light system to help you determine when to get out of a stock... and when to get back in.
One of the most astounding things – other than how easy it is to use – is that you can use this system with any newsletter you follow... which helps you maximize your returns and minimize your losses.
Q: Here's another trick to help get more accurate [blood pressure] readings. Deep regular breathing. When the cuff goes on and the nurse tells you to relax many people slow their breathing almost to the point of stopping. That causes the heart to beat harder to deliver more oxygen to a body that's fast becoming hypoxic.
I watched my wife get her blood pressure taken. She measured at 140 – a typical reading for her. I noted that she had stopped breathing for the test as a form of total relaxation. I made the nurse retake after a minute of deep regular breathing. That simple step got her pressure down to 120 and ended her use of pressure control medication. – R.B.
A: This is a great tip. The best way to calm yourself, and get a more accurate blood pressure reading, is to take deep, steady breaths. The key is activating your body's relaxation response. This slows your heart and breathing rates and reduces your blood pressure.
Before your blood-pressure reading, try the "4-7-8" breathing exercise. Inhale through your nose for a count of four. Hold your breath for a count of seven. Then exhale through your mouth for a count of eight. Do this cycle four times.
Focus on your breathing and it'll help calm you down. And, as you pointed out, if you feel like your blood-pressure numbers are off... don't be afraid to ask for another reading.
Q: I missed out on last night's talk on the market. Is there somewhere I can watch a replay? – K.O.
A: Last night, Porter, Steve, and Richard talked about the biggest dangers in the market right now, a mistake most average investors are making, and a way to improve your gains while limiting your losses. You can watch the replay here, and for more information on Richard's service click here.
Q: Is there anything preventing me from sharing [Health & Wealth Bulletin] with others even though they may not have a subscription? – G.R.
A: Of course! I encourage people to share issues with their friends and family. Feel free to forward on the issues or refer folks to our website – www.healthandwealthbulletin.com.
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Wondering what will happen with the oil market now that the U.S. has left the Iranian nuclear deal? In this week's video update, research writer Amanda Cuocci interviews Bill Shaw, editor of the newsletter Commodity Supercycles. Bill explains where he expects the price of oil to go, where he's currently bullish, and what type of "best in class" companies he likes. Click here to watch. |
Q: Do you recommend any books on options? – B.E.
A: The best book out there is probably Lawrence McMillan's classicOptions as a Strategic Investment. I grew up on McMillan's stuff... and this book is the bible of options.
However, there are simpler books like the "For Dummies" series:Stock Options for Dummies. And McMillan has a few shorter, simpler books, like Profit With Options (which is really just a subsection of his bigger book).
What are your favorite finance and investment books? Send your suggestions to [email protected].
- Did you miss it? The one question you must ask at your next doctor's visit.
- Something different: Warren Buffett explains how to turn $10,000 into $51 million.
Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,
Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
Baltimore, Maryland
May 11, 2018