Five Wall Street Legends Are Buying One Stock

I've always hated "the game."

If it were up to me, you'd get ahead by working hard and applying your skills, not by playing office politics, rigging the rules, or partaking in some other game our society always ends up creating on top of what we really want to do.

During my time on Wall Street, I loved the puzzle of financial markets and the challenge of making money every day. But the longer I was there, the more I saw the game was really about jacking up fees for clients and passing risk off to others. I won't even get into the way people jockeyed for promotions and bonuses.

So, I retired and left for medical school.

Just about everyone gets into medicine to help people, but then you see a new set of games. In medicine, it's about prestige, funding, and, again, fees. Never mind the labyrinthian insurance and billing that get in the way of helping folks.

So, I retired again.

To me, you should put your head down and work on offering the best product or service. Let the quality speak for itself and collect your just rewards.

But our world just doesn't work that way.

The game, to put it one way, is rigged. And it's not rigged in favor of the little guy. It's rigged in favor of those who can spend millions of dollars just to get a little attention.

I'm concerned you may not realize just how rigged the game is in favor of America's elite.

And there's a saying in business and politics: "If you're not at the table, you're probably on the menu."

Earlier this week, I was in Las Vegas at the annual Stansberry Research Conference & Alliance Meeting. And a common theme was taking control of your own life and wealth, not putting them into the hands of corporate lackeys. Trust me, they don't have your best interests in mind.

Instead, you should be following the money. And right now, five Wall Street legends are quietly loading up on one stock.

I believe this company is "America's No. 1 Retirement Stock." If I had to pour every penny of my retirement into just one stock, this stock would be it.

All my research indicates it has a long, long way left to run up from here.

And this is true no matter who's in the White House... who controls Congress... whether the market crashes or continues to surge... or what the Federal Reserve does next.

Click here for all the details.

Now, let's dig into some questions... As always, keep sending your comments, questions, and topic suggestions to [email protected]. My team and I really do read every e-mail.

Q: Are you familiar with the work by Dr. Ray Gottlieb and presbyopia exercises? I'm a retired pilot and had good results with it while still flying. It continues to help. – R.B.

A: Thanks, R.B. For folks who aren't familiar with it, another name for presbyopia is "age-related farsightedness."

It happens as the lenses in your eyes gradually become harder and less flexible. This keeps your lenses from changing shape to sharply focus on the objects you see, making things look blurry. It also changes the way you see contrast. According to the Mayo Clinic, your lenses naturally start hardening around age 45, and presbyopia typically stops getting worse by age 65.

In addition to making it harder to focus, presbyopia can cause eyestrain and headaches. It also changes the way you read... So if you're holding your reading material farther away than you used to, or you find yourself trying out those generic reading glasses at the grocery store, it may be thanks to presbyopia.

Dr. Ray Gottlieb is a behavioral optometrist, and he calls his approach to tackling presbyopia the "Read Without Glasses Method."

Gottlieb stresses the importance of using both convergence and divergence training for presbyopia. Convergence refers to the way your eyes turn inward (toward your nose) to allow you to see an object as it moves closer to your face. (Crossing your eyes is an exaggerated form of convergence.) Divergence is the way your eyes turn outward (toward your ears) when you're looking at an object that's far away.

Studies offer mixed results on presbyopia exercises, and we could only find the abstract of one small study that mentioned Gottlieb's method by name... The researchers reportedly found no statistically significant changes in the unaided visual acuity of "near" vision in eight people between 50 and 65 years of age.

So it doesn't work for everyone... but it might work for you, like it has for our friend R.B. In Gottlieb's exercise instructions, he states: "If the exercises are going to work, you should know within a month." Here are a few resources if you'd like to read more about it and give it a try.

If it works for you, let us know.

What We're Reading...

Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,

Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
October 20, 2023