When we started thinking about partnering with Joel Litman, I told my colleagues:
"I'm closing up shop. I'm going to retire and throw all my money into what he recommends."
I was only half kidding...
That's how good this guy is.
I first met Joel more than 10 years ago. We were both in New York at a meeting for the New York Society of Security Analysts – a group founded by the famous teacher and mentor of Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham. Joel stood up in front of this well-respected group and made a shocking prediction...
He claimed the collateralized debt market would collapse – and soon.
A sense of disbelief filled the room. Everyone wondered who this young guy was making such an unbelievable call.
After all, it's easy now to recognize that slicing and dicing risky subprime mortgages and then adding leverage doesn't make them safer. But at the time, collateralized debt obligations ("CDOs") were massive fee-generators for Wall Street. Sales rose nearly tenfold between 2003 to 2006.
CDOs were "safe as houses," if you believed Wall Street.
Joel didn't.
And in early 2008 when the financial crisis began... Wall Street learned what Joel already knew.
Turns out that home prices don't always go up. Mortgage defaults started to rise. And practically every major investor on Wall Street – including hedge funds, investment banks, and pension funds – was exposed.
Within a year, the problems in the collateralized debt market were spreading... and by late-2008, it was clear that no one was safe.
That's one reason why Joel's work is now read by nine of the top 10 global investment houses... and 180 of the world's top 300 money managers. Folks I know of pay $20,000 to $30,000 a month... Far above what we ever charged at Goldman Sachs.
You see, over the past decade Joel's research has been reserved for only the highest echelons of investment management...
Until now.
Later this month, Joel is making another big call...
On September 25, Joel is revealing an "error" in the U.S. accounting system that allows publicly traded companies to legally mislead investors.
Joel has a system he's developed – called the "Investment Truth Lie Detector" – that can help you fight back against the deception... and potentially double or triple your money in the process.
During this event, Joel will give a demonstration of how his Lie Detector system works. You'll also learn the ugly truth about a popular tech stock you might be holding right now, which you MUST dump immediately. And Joel will give away the name and ticker symbol of one little stock that could make you up to 500% gains.
You know I don't make claims like this ever. But this guy is fantastic and, like me, wants to empower the underdogs... regular folks like you and me.
I'm excited and honored to have him join together with us.
To learn more about tuning into Joel's demonstration and his Lie Detector system, click here.
Q: I read on your brochure that one should lower hot water heater from 140f to 120f. I don't think that is a good idea as 140f is needed to kill legionella bacteria which causes legionnaires disease.
Perfect place for us to breathe it in is from the mist from shower head. Which should be disinfected on a regular basis. If you are healthy you can maybe fight it, but if not so healthy then can easily succumb. Any hospital maintenance dept would be glad to give you more info on this. – T.W.
A: In our recent issue about winterizing your home, we wrote "If you don't have any immune system issues, you can consider lowering the temperature, too." We meant this for your water heater – lowering it to 120 degrees Fahrenheit is generally regarded as safe.
The concern is Legionella pneumophila, which causes Legionnaires' Disease. It's a type of pneumonia that's relatively rare. It happens when you breathe in bacteria in moist air (like mist from shower heads). Legionnaires' Disease accounts for less than 1% of all pneumonia cases in the U.S., though that number could be low due to how few cases are actually reported.
According to the American Society of Sanitary Engineering, these bacteria thrive at temperatures between 95 and 115 degrees. They live, but can't multiply, at a temperature of 122 degrees. As you get hotter, they die faster, with a total sanitation at the 158-degree mark.

But risk of scalding rises with temperature, too (as does your water bill). So you need to balance the two. That's why going to about 122 degrees is still considered safe, as long as you're in good health. Most folks fight off the bacteria and never realize it. But if you're over 65 or have a condition (or take a medication) that lowers your immune system, you should keep the temperature higher.
Finally, T.W. makes a good point about showerheads. Since it's the mist that causes the problem, be sure to disinfect your showerhead periodically. A simple scrub followed by a soak in an equal parts vinegar-hot water mix will work well.
Q: This week you suggested the information from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force which I found very interesting. Thanks! However, at my age (64) they suggest the following: "If your doctor says you are at high risk for heart attack and stroke, ask about taking a medicine called statin to lower your risk." If I'm not mistaken, you're not a big fan of statins. Please reconcile. – T.O.
A: The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is a fantastic resource. It publishes guidelines about testing and treatment options based on medical evidence.
One problem... it is a bit slow. And that's good, because it means the group is thorough, but sometimes the research gets ahead of it. I've never liked statins for their awful side effects and lack of long-term research. But in recent years, I've seen a growth of new studies focused on the real cause of heart disease (inflammation) and how other treatments may work better. I'm looking forward to the day the USPSTF adjusts its recommendation to include things like lifestyle changes (diet, exercise) to lower inflammation first, before resorting to drugs.
I'll be publishing an upcoming issue on statins soon... so be sure to keep your eye out for it.
Q: Doc, I had an accident at work and can't make it to Vegas this year. Any way I can watch it from home? – L.J.
A: I'm sorry to hear that you can't make it, L.J. But don't worry... You can still be "in the room" for all the great speakers and opportunities we have planned... And you can do it from the comfort of your home or office!
This month, we've arranged a way for our subscribers to see the entire 2019 Stansberry Annual Conference live from The Aria from their personal computers... And all for a small fraction of the cost of an in-person ticket.
This is an event you do NOT want to miss.
Join us for two full days of inspirational speakers... action-packed presentations... and tons of great investment ideas you can act on in real-time.
This is your official invitation – not only to view the event live but also to claim your free gift...
And if you can't watch it live... you'll have a few weeks after the conference is over to watch.
To find out more, click here.
What We're Reading...
- Six ways laughter helps us heal.
- Something different: Friday the 13th and a harvest moon? Stay inside tonight.
Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,
Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
September 13, 2019