"I think this is probably the most brilliant idea I've ever seen us produce."
That's what my good friend and publisher Porter Stansberry is saying about his new stock strategy.
Through extensive research and back-testing, one of Porter's top analysts discovered a relationship in the financial markets unlike anything we've seen before... something every finance professor and Wall Street trader would tell you is impossible.
In short: Porter and his team uncovered a rare pattern that shows you which stocks have the highest chance of rising 100% over the next year.
On December 6 at 8 p.m. Eastern time, during a live presentation, Porter will reveal this strategy – called "The Golden Triangle."
During this live event, he'll tell you about his top two favorite Golden Triangle stocks to buy right now and why each could double your money.

In this week's Retirement Millionaire Daily Weekly Update, research writer Amanda Cuocci shares three tips to manage holiday stress during a time of family gatherings and year-end work projects. Click the image to watch.
Q: Where can I find Doc's article on the flu vaccine? – W.R.
A: I shocked longtime readers earlier this month when I admitted I might finally get a flu shot. In fact, I'll get my shot within the next couple of weeks.
If you missed my essay on the benefits of this year's flu shot, read it here.
Q: Could you clear up some doubts I have on fruit juices? I drink a glass of pomegranate juice every morning. It says it's made from concentrate. An eight ounce serving size has 28 grams of sugar in it. How good is this juice for me? What juices are good for people? – R.S.
A: Skip the juice and stick to fruit. 28 grams is about a much sugar as you should be getting in a day, let alone in one eight-ounce glass of juice. (Read more about why I call sugars "white killers.")
Most fruit juices are loaded with added sugars. Plus, you lose the fiber that you'd get eating whole fruit. Fiber is not only essential for a healthy digestive system, it also slows down your body's absorption of sugar – meaning it keeps your blood sugar from spiking. If you really want juice, make it yourself. That way you're keeping more of the fiber without adding more sugar.
Q: As I read the latest reports from Dr. Steve Sjuggerud and other Stansberry contributors I am concerned about some option trades. I have covered calls that expire next year. Right now, these trades look like they'll be profitable as long as the market continues doing what it's been doing for most of the year. But if the bottom suddenly drops out I could be left holding stocks that are greatly devalued and that would offset any gains from the option trades. What do you suggest? Close the trades once the downturn hits or hope I'll be able to hold on til the expiration dates? – D.G.
A: We can't give any sort of individual advice, but generally speaking...
Covered calls can help you lower your cost basis, so they can mitigate risk to some degree. But here's the important thing: Covered-call traders bear the risk of holding stocks.
If you want to be in the market and enjoy the gains, you've got to accept the risk.
But you should be prepared...
You can't time the market. I can't tell you when a bear market is about to hit. And trying to get out of your trade when the downturn hits – and you're sure we're in a downturn – would likely be too late. That's why having an exit strategy is vital to your success. If you stick to your exit strategy, it can serve as a near-foolproof way to methodically cut your losses and let your winners ride. I typically recommend people follow a 25% stop loss so you limit the amount of money you lose.
So if you're worried about the market going south, keep an eye on your stop losses and act when you do hit a stop.
Q: I heard that beets are good for you. I do have a concern because I have type 2 diabetes. Should I stay away from beets? – C.P.
A: Beets get a bad rap because they are used to make sugar... specifically beet sugar. It's similar to cane sugar. Beets have about 8 grams of sugar for a 100-gram serving... That's about the size of a small banana. And that banana has about 12 grams of sugar.
But we saw one study on beets that indicated they don't increase postprandial blood sugar... So they didn't spike blood sugar levels after a meal.
Beets have a lot of benefits, specifically for diabetics. They're packed with fiber that helps keep your colon functioning well. Plus, they have tons of antioxidants, including one called betalain that fights inflammation.
Several well-documented studies show that beets help lower blood pressure. That's especially important for folks with diabetes, as high blood pressure often accompanies the disease. Beets contain nitrates that interact with our arteries to reduce pressure. So if you're already on any type of blood pressure or angina drug, you should double check the interactions before digging into a plate full of beets.
Because of their beneficial fiber, we'd suggest adding cooked beets to your diet where and when you can. They're delicious in salads. In fact, the American Diabetes Association has a lot of recipes for beets, which you can find here (just search for beet). If you're concerned about what they'll do to your blood sugar, make sure to monitor your levels as usual after eating.
Have a question you need answered? Send it to [email protected].
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What We're Reading...
- More on the benefits of beets.
- Did you miss it? Expect the best, prepare for the worst.
- Something different: How marriage can fight dementia.
Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,
Dr. David Eifrig and the Retirement Millionaire Daily Research Team
December 1, 2017