"How do you pick stocks?"
It's one of the top questions I get from folks. The short answer is, not easily.
I've shared lots of tips and tricks on how to pick stocks to help you grow your wealth. But there are more than 3,500 companies listed on major stock exchanges in the U.S. That means you have more than 3,500 choices when determining what investments to make.
That number is daunting... especially if you don't have the resources or time of professional traders (or newsletter writers). So just figuring out where to start is intimidating.
Investing takes knowledge, practice, and the emotional control to weather the market's ups and downs. Dedicated investors develop these skills over many years, learning how to single out safe investments destined to go up.
I've got a lot of smart folks on my team (including a CFA, a CFP®, and an MBA) who spend their days looking for the best investment and financial advice for my readers. We have access to resources and tools that most average investors couldn't afford.
You shouldn't have to worry about all that.
I don't believe in sitting at your computer all day watching your account and the stock market. What's the point in spending all of your time trying to grow your portfolio if you don't give yourself the opportunity to enjoy it?
That's why our company is full of some of the best minds in the industry... Let us do the work so you have the time to enjoy the results.
One of these great minds is my colleague Greg Diamond.
Greg became a Wall Street trader at 22 and was working on a multibillion-dollar account by age 26. After he spent 13 years working for hedge funds and pension funds, he came to Stansberry Research.
And today, you can get access to Greg's hedge-fund-caliber research and his trading strategy that lets you make money no matter where the markets are going.
If you've paid attention to the market this year, you know it has been wild. But you could have doubled your money eight different times this year if you had followed Greg's recommendations, including a 256% gain in six days during the height of the COVID-19 crash. And that's all without buying a single stock.
Earlier this month, Greg issued a new warning... He believes an upcoming market move on December 23 will be a nightmare if you're not prepared.
But if you're ready for it, you could make a fortune.
Until midnight tonight, Greg has agreed to spell out what he predicts is coming and what he recommends you do with your money. Click here for all the details.
Now, let's dive into this week's Q&A. As always, please keep sending us your questions and comments to [email protected].
Q: I found [your article on silence] very interesting and have a question: My wife insists on an ocean noise generator every night to "enhance our sleep." I don't mind it when falling asleep, but awakening in the middle of the night and trying to reclaim my good night's rest, I find it annoying and sometimes counterproductive.
Are white noise and other nature sounds included in the noise pollution you speak of in this article, and should there be some moderation or elimination? – R.J.S.
A: The fact that this sound disrupts your sleep qualifies it as noise pollution in our book. Lots of people use white noise to help them fall asleep (including some folks on my team) – but if it's disturbing you in the middle of the night, that's not good.
If you use a white noise machine, check if it has a timer. Lots of machines have a timer function so you can set the white noise to stop after a certain time period. Similarly, if you stream music from the Internet, you can usually set a sleep timer. One of my researchers plays rain sounds on Spotify at night, and it lets her set a 30-minute timer so the noise won't bother her in the middle of the night.
Q: Doc... My brother-in-law has sold everything and is hoarding cash since "he doesn't know what Biden will do." He has encouraged me to do the same, but I am reticent since I don't think the world will come to an end on January 20, 2021. Any thoughts from you on this subject? – C.R.
A: Before the election, we wrote about subscribers' fear of who would be the next president. We didn't care much about who would win in November and, now that we have a winner, we still don't care. If you look at the big picture, the markets don't care much either...

Since 1926, Republicans have held the House, Senate, and presidency for 13 years. In those years, the market returned an average of 14.52% per year. There have also been 34 years of unified Democratic government. In those years, the market returned an average of... 14.52%.
Market collapse is a fear we hear about for pretty much every new presidency. Some investors were worried about Barack Obama. Then they were worried about Donald Trump. And now some are worried about Joe Biden. Whether or not you agree with Biden's politics, it doesn't seem likely he'll destroy the U.S. economy. Plenty of people worried Trump would do that. (He didn't, either.)
People who let their money simply sit in cash for the next four years could miss some tremendous opportunities... because no matter who lives at the White House, I've helped my readers make money. I'd rather put my money to work than let fear hamper me.
Q: What are your thoughts regarding taking a tablespoon of olive oil at bedtime for heart health/cholesterol control? Sorry if you have addressed this previously and I overlooked it. – H.C.
A: No apologies needed, H.C. Olive oil is one of my favorite superfoods.
Olive oil contains significant amounts of antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids (or "MUFAs"). MUFAs keep insulin levels in check, making olive oil good for diabetics. They also help with cholesterol levels.
Moreover, due to its chemical structure and function, olive oil also protects your cells from oxidation damage. Thus, olive oil reduces the risk of developing diseases of inflammation. That includes heart disease, arthritis, and high blood pressure.
If you're taking a tablespoon of olive oil, make sure it's extra-virgin. Extra-virgin is the highest-quality olive oil and uses no chemicals in the pressing process. It should also be cold-pressed (higher temperatures affect the quality of the oil). Extra-virgin olive oil contains MUFAs and the most antioxidants. So look for it when you're shopping.
What We're Reading...
- Did you miss it? The 2020 edition of our favorite things guide.
- Something different: How pandemics lead to steam heating.
Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,
Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
December 11, 2020