Last year, I helped create something unlike anything else we've ever published at Stansberry Research.
It was our way of getting as close to a "completely done for you" portfolio... with three different solutions, each tailored for a slightly different individual with different investment goals.
The positions in each of these portfolios are selected by our Investment Committee... That's me, my publisher Porter Stansberry, and my colleague Steve Sjuggerud.
We called it Stansberry Portfolio Solutions.
I firmly believe that the Portfolio Solutions strategy could drastically improve your investing results.
You'll never again have to wonder about what price to pay or when it's a good time to "trim back"... It's all laid out for you, down to the exact number of shares to buy. We even have a position-size calculator for you to use to tailor our recommendations to your portfolio size.
If you had any questions about your investment portfolio in 2017, you won't have to worry this year...
On Wednesday, January 24 at 8 p.m. Eastern time, Porter, Steve, and I will share why with Portfolio Solutions, we've got you covered. We'll also discuss some of the hottest topics in the market right now – from cryptocurrencies, the fate of the U.S. dollar, and even the latest twist in Steve's "Melt Up" thesis.
Here's a short list of what we'll be covering...
- Our 2018 market predictions.
- What to do if you're nervous about the inevitable market correction.
- The single place you should put your money in 2018.
- What a "bulletproof" 2018 portfolio looks like.
All attendees will receive a free report with each of our No. 1 ideas for 2018.
Again, if you've wondered recently whether you're allocating your portfolio correctly... or whether you're protected for the inevitable downturn... you should listen in. Click here to reserve your spot.
Q: I'm 42 years old, and recently I've been having major problems with GERD (physician diagnosed). My doctor prescribed Prilosec. What are your opinions on treating GERD? Are there any risks with Prilosec? Can I control this with diet? – J.M.
A: We don't know your specific case, so we can only answer you generally...
For readers who don't know, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) involves acid reflux more than twice a week or swelling in the esophagus. It can include other symptoms like regurgitation or trouble swallowing.
Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) like Prilosec are a common treatment for GERD. But recent research show PPIs contribute to everything from heart attacks to dementia.
You can talk to your doctor about lowering your dose.
You can also switch to an over-the-counter H2-blocker drug (these include Zantac, Tagamet, and Pepcid). H2 blockers do not have the same heart-attack risk.
Changing your diet can also have a huge impact on GERD. A 2017 study published in the journal JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery looked at two groups of people. One group consumed a mostly vegetable-based Mediterranean diet and the other received PPIs. Those on the diet saw bigger improvements in their reflux symptoms than those on PPIs.
There are some folks who need PPIs for specific stomach issues... Still, they should be a last resort. And be sure to understand all the risks and protect yourself. Probiotics, staying active, and weight-bearing exercise should be part of your regular routine for a healthier life.
We've included links for more information about PPIs and GERD at the end of today's issue.
Q: Is it safe to use peroxide when brushing my teeth? – D.D.
A: When I brush my teeth I use a mixture of baking soda and salt. The high pH in baking soda helps kill bacteria and strengthen tooth enamel.
It's about equal parts baking soda and water, with just a dash of salt for toothpaste. If you want to use it as mouthwash, double the water. I'll make enough for a couple of days.
I know some people like to use peroxide to help whiten their teeth. You can replace about half the water with peroxide. Just avoid swallowing it... Too much and you'll cause an upset stomach and maybe even vomiting.
Q: Is sea salt better for us instead of table salt? – J.H.
A: Sea salt involves little processing. It comes directly from evaporated sea water. Depending on its origin, it may include different minerals. These can change the color and the taste. Table salt comes from salt mines underground and gets heavily processed. So the taste is consistent, but bland.
But differences in taste and appearance aside, sea salt doesn't offer any significant health benefits. The main difference is that table salt is almost always "iodized," meaning iodine is added to it. Iodine is essential for keeping your thyroid healthy. So if you're using mostly sea salt in your diet, make sure you get enough iodine from foods like seafood, cheese, and yogurt.
Because of the varied origins, the nutrients in different sea salts can vary. But some people claim certain types have more than 80 minerals and nutrient elements in small quantities and in similar proportions to the human body. The non-sodium salts and minerals may have some benefits, but the micro amounts mean the effects are likely slight.
And remember... despite what many out-of-touch medical doctors may tell you... eating sodium at reasonable levels does not cause high blood pressure. And regardless, sea and table salt have roughly the same amount of sodium.
So do what I do... Don't worry about which one is "healthier." Enjoy them both.
- Something different: Does this country have the world's worst food?
Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,
Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
January 19, 2018