Recently, legendary gold investor John Doody sent an e-mail to the Stansberry Research editorial team about how he was going "all in" on gold.
He's not the only one bullish on gold. All week, I've heard from readers telling me gold makes up a significant portion of their portfolios.
In turbulent times like these, we want to entrust our capital to an asset meant to protect against the chaos. And longtime readers know gold is one of my favorite forms of protection.
That's why I hope you didn't miss the video conference last Monday when John and his business partner Garrett Goggin joined Stansberry Research publisher Brett Aitken for a "Gold Rally Kickoff Call."
John thinks we're going to see "probably the biggest gold stock bull market of my entire lifetime... In fact, I think gold is going to $3,000 an ounce."
During the call, John explained...
- Why this is the time to own gold
- The best way to buy gold now
- How John and Garrett generated 923% gains for readers from 2001 to 2019
Even if you already own some gold, you need to hear what John has to say. If you didn't watch Monday, you can still view the recording. For all the details, including how John's system gives you the best chance of succeeding in the gold market, click here.
Now on to this week's Q&A...
Q: Does the same no penalty rule apply to IRAs? I just moved my money into an IRA. – K.S.
A: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security ("CARES") Act is waiving penalties for coronavirus-related early withdrawals from IRAs. As with a 401(k), an early IRA withdrawal incurs a 10% penalty. Now, according to the CARES Act, you can withdraw money from your IRA without paying the 10%. But again, this is only for coronavirus-related distributions.
Q: I just read your email regarding this disease. In it you said it is possible for a person to have a very mild dose that could appear to be allergies or a raw dry throat. For almost a month I have been sneezing several times a day and coughing, with what seems like a dry throat not a cold. I can hold my breath for more than thirty seconds. If it was COVID-19, could it stay with me for more than a month without me showing any of the other symptoms? – J.G.
A: First, we need to remind folks that holding your breath is not a test for COVID-19. We debunked that myth in our issue here.
As for how long symptoms may last, we don't have a definite answer on that. The World Health Organization's director stated that folks with mild forms of the disease usually recover in about two weeks and those with severe cases may take three to six weeks. But we've also seen case reports of people having symptoms for much longer – but these are usually folks who have fever, coughing, and shortness of breath.
We also know for respiratory illnesses, it's not uncommon for a cough to linger for weeks – sometimes a month or two – after you're recovered.
We can't diagnose folks, but if your symptoms bother you, we recommend calling your doctor. Video visits are a great option, and they'll be able to look at your history and ask you some more diagnostic questions to see what's going on. We hope you feel better soon!
Q: After reading this week's bulletin it struck me that if someone shows a false negative and isn't really exhibiting any symptoms like coughing and sneezing, are they really that likely to transmit the virus to someone else if it is transmitted usually through aerosol particles? – P.K.
A: The unsettling answer here is yes. That's because we produce respiratory droplets anytime we clear our throat or talk. One powerful example of how this works is a choir rehearsal of about 60 people in Mount Vernon, Washington in early March. Although the participants felt fine and followed all the precautions at the time, 45 of them later fell ill from COVID-19. Two died. Researchers blame the singing in an enclosed space – you're still sending out respiratory droplets.
We are starting to see that "asymptomatic" people are actually just presymptomatic. In other words, they're infected but haven't started to show any signs yet. And they're most contagious before showing symptoms. Researchers are still trying to figure out how and why they're so contagious without symptoms, but it's a good reminder to keep washing your hands, don't touch your face, and wear a mask when you're around other people.
Keep your questions, suggestions, and comments coming our way... [email protected].
What We're Reading...
- Did you miss it? The perfect storm for the ultimate chaos hedge.
- Something different: The centuries-old healing technique leading to longer lifespans.
Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,
Dr. David Eifrig and the Health & Wealth Bulletin Research Team
May 1, 2020