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What to Do When You Get It Wrong

No investor – no matter how good they are – can win all of the time...

Get Your 'Stubborn List' Ready

Most investors tend to screw up in bear markets... But smart investors know how to take advantage of these times…

Even a Perfect Investor Can't Avoid Market Drops

If you're like most folks, your retirement nest egg is probably smaller today than it was a few months ago...

We're Living in a 'Stock Picker's Market'

Marc Chaikin explains the type of market we're in today and how to stay afloat despite the volatility, risk, and uncertainty that lie ahead...

Pessimism Is Skyrocketing... Which Is Good News for the Market

Inflation and the bear market are making consumers unhappy. But that's an opportunity for us...

How We're Beating Joe DiMaggio

In 1941, one of baseball's mythic figures, Joe DiMaggio, set one of the greatest records in sports history...

The Harvest Has Begun

Every year, between late August and October, I head out to Napa, California for the "crush."...

The FDA Misses the Mark on Hearing Help

Despite recent promises from the FDA, it's no surprise that you're still on your own, folks…

The End of the Modern Global Economy

In the modern global economy, no country is self-sufficient. But nations are starting to question this system…

How to See the Event of the Year... Without Getting Off Your Couch

Each year, I go undercover to dozens of conferences all over the world...