The palace of Versailles and its gardens overwhelmed the senses, but not in the way intended...
Living Well
Three Ways to Keep Your Identity Safe From Hackers
If you're an adult in the U.S., your identity is at risk...
The Trouble With Wearing Shoes
If you're wearing shoes, you're walking wrong...
Don't Let Allergies Ruin Your Spring
"It's going to be the worst allergy season yet."
The Danger of Crushing Your Organs
If you're reading this slumped over your desk, we have something to say that you need to know...
Five Steps to Make Moving Less Stressful
Whether it's across the street, county, state, country, or world, moving is a major, and stressful, life decision...
The Risk Your Heart Faces This Sunday
There are serious health consequences surrounding the decision to mess with our clocks twice a year...
Even the 'Best Medicine' Won't Fix This Common Problem
Most of us don't like talking about bowel habits, but problems 'down there' can be quite challenging...
Ignorance Can Kill You
After a cancer diagnosis, there's a lot of overwhelming information. Here's what you need to know about your treatment options…
Four Steps to Take After a Cancer Diagnosis
In the early 1900s, hearing, "You have cancer," was a death sentence that no one dared talk about...