Living Well

The Single Biggest Factor Ruining Your Wealth and Health

One major issue could be ruining your health today... and your financial well-being in the future...

About one-third of American workers report high levels of stress, according to the University of Massachusetts Lowell. It costs businesses more than $300 billion annually – making folks sick more often and resulting in higher employee turnover and lost productivity. And it has big consequences for your personal life.

How to Find the Best Care Anywhere

Your chest is tight... You're having trouble breathing... You're so dizzy that it's hard to stand.

So your spouse calls 911.

Read This Before Drinking Your Next Morning Coffee

Longtime readers know that I love coffee...

So I was happy to hear the ruling this summer by the Nanny Police... the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)... finally removing coffee from the list of known cancer-causing agents, or carcinogens.

Boost Your Health With the Power of Flowers

I never really understood my dad's flowers until he died...

Every day for most of the last 35 years of his life, my dad wore a flower in his lapel. Somewhere he found a tiny, silver lapel pin called a "bud vase." So every few days, he would pluck a flower from his garden, or wherever he could find one, and stick it in his personal vase. A few drops of water kept the flower alive.

Real Men Drink Pink Wine

One of my favorite memories is my father pouring a pink wine from an elegant bottle...

I was about 11 or 12, and I can still remember the fish-like curves of the Provencal rosé wine bottle. He loved his old-fashioned Mateus, which came in a teardrop-shaped, dark glass bottle.

Cancer Is Public Enemy No. 1

"Cancer on Course to Become Top Killer of Americans."

Seeing headlines like this always makes me shake my head. At first glance, you might panic and think cancer rates are soaring and soon it will kill everyone.

The Cholesterol Myth

Doc's note: We first began publishing Retirement Millionaire Daily in October 2015. Since then, we've sent more than 200 issues to our readers.

We've also welcomed tens of thousands of new readers. So every Thursday this month, we're sending our favorite issues from October 2015. If you haven't read these issues, we hope you enjoy them. If you've already read them, use them as a refresher or share them with your friends and family.

The World's Greatest Shave

Doc's note: In June, I told readers about a Father's Day gift that will last a lifetime... the OneBlade razor. Since then, several readers have asked if they can still get the OneBlade.

So today, I'm sharing that essay for all the readers who missed it. Read on to learn how you can get the world's best shave at an incredible price.

Try This Easy Way to Help Fight Prostate Cancer

Each year, more than 26,000 men die in the U.S. from prostate cancer.

Just the phrase "prostate cancer" is enough to scare many men I've met (including a fair number of our readers), especially in Western countries.

Countries like the U.S., Norway, and France have some of the highest prostate cancer rates in the world.

Countries in Southeast and Central Asia, like India and Thailand, have some of the lowest prostate cancer rates.

One possible reason?

Green tea.

A new study from Taiwan found that green tea leaf waste inhibits cancer cell growth. Researchers used the waste (the leftovers from making green tea beverages) on prostate cancer cells, finding that the waste was able to stop cell growth.

This isn't the first study to show green tea's impact on prostate cancer.

In 2010, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that an antioxidant called antioxidant epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells. EGCG even sped up cell death in cancer cells while leaving noncancerous cells unharmed.

In fact, a new randomized-control study (the gold standard for medical research) saw that a compound in green tea actually lowered prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in men with early stages of prostate cancer.

We need more human studies to determine the effectiveness of green tea in fighting prostate cancer. And these studies don't mean you should start drinking gallons of green tea each day.

Too much green tea causes liver damage... even complete liver failure.

And as I've mentioned in the past, most men diagnosed with prostate cancer die from other causes. That's because prostate cancer is often a slow-progressing disease. But some men do develop a more aggressive form of cancer. (Read here to learn how to spot the signs if you think you're at risk.)

But the side effects of prostate cancer treatments can be more devastating than the disease. So I'm happy to see studies piling up on the possibility of green tea preventing prostate cancer.

And green tea doesn't just help reduce your risk of prostate cancer...

One of the Most Dangerous Places in America

Doc's note: We first began publishing Retirement Millionaire Daily in October 2015. Since then, we've sent more than 200 issues to our readers.

We've also welcomed tens of thousands of new readers. So every Thursday this month, we're sending our favorite issues from October 2015. If you haven't read these issues, we hope you enjoy them. If you've already read them, use them as a refresher or share them with your friends and family.