Living Well

Answering This 'Security Question' Could Put You at Risk

It might be the biggest password breach ever...

Last week, magazine and blog publisher Time Inc. confirmed that a hacker stole usernames and passwords from more than 360 million accounts on the once-popular social media site MySpace.

This Father's Day Gift Will Last a Lifetime... Guaranteed

My dad was a typical "guy's guy"...

He wore a white T-shirt with a flattop haircut in the '50s... dress blues as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy in the early '60s... and a coat and narrow tie as he sipped martinis at lunch later in life.

Are You Wasting Your Money on Organic Food?

Every time I walk into a grocery store, I see signs and labels trying to convince me of some food's healthy qualities. Organic... all-natural... local...

Hundreds of food products... from cereal to meat, beverages to produce... are labeled and marketed this way... all attempts to persuade the consumer that the food is healthy.

How to Fix Your Summertime Insomnia

The ceiling fan is squeaking. The sheets are sticky. You can't find the cool side of the pillow...

As temperatures climb, more and more folks find it harder to sleep. In some places, the rate of insomnia more than doubles in the summer months.

Ask These Five Questions Before a Doc Cuts Your Eyeball

Rebecca Bobo is the kind of doctor I would send my mom to...

She presented research at a seminar on 10 years of eye surgery data at a Georgia hospital for residents and fellows at my hospital. It showed massive differences in the success rates of eye surgeries performed by doctors in training.

Lawrence Welk Lied to You...

When I was a child, The Lawrence Welk Show regularly broke away from the singing and dancing to pitch Geritol...

The Geritol sponsorship was so important that the first episode the company sponsored was introduced with great fanfare. But the science on nutrition was terrible...

Don't Let This Reckless Millennial Research Ruin Your Health

Millennials and their "big data" ideas drive me crazy.

Big data is when you take lots of published research and try to find deeper insights and trends from the whole pool of data.

Congrats America, You're Close to Breaking a Record

This summer, we might break a recent high in Americans getting out and exercising...

Survey researchers at polling giant Gallup have noted a seasonal trend in exercise – more Americans say they work out in the summer than in the winter.

The Bitter Truth About Artificial Sugar

"Splenda just got a lot scarier."

That line – from Men's Fitness – was just one of the many we saw in response to a new study linking Splenda to cancer.

Don't Lather These Toxic Chemicals on Your Skin

Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer, with 5 million new cases each year.

The most common cause of skin cancer is the sun. So most people think they're helping when they slather on sunscreen. And people think that when it comes to the sun protection factor ("SPF") of sunscreens, "100" is better than "30"... and way better than "8."