Your doctor could be killing you.
I've been saying this for years. Blind obedience to everything your doctor tells you is dangerous and potentially deadly. Just consider a small study conducted by Harvard Medical School.
Your doctor could be killing you.
I've been saying this for years. Blind obedience to everything your doctor tells you is dangerous and potentially deadly. Just consider a small study conducted by Harvard Medical School.
The American Medical Association Journal of Ethics recently discussed the dangers of doctors not understanding the math of false positive results on prostate cancer screenings...
Assume you want to perform a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening test on a patient who lives in a specific region of the country. You know the following information about men in this region:
Right now, two of the top 10 best-selling books on Amazon are adult coloring books (and another two are in the top 20).
Art therapy has long held a place in nursing and assisted-living facilities. It's a low-impact activity that can stimulate the mind and promote relaxation. And some colleges today offer stress-busting activities before final exams. Among the most popular – coloring sessions.
If you're just starting out with meditation, you might be overwhelmed by all of the information out there.
Here are some of the most basic things to know to get you started...
I recently gave a room of more than 400 people the secret to happiness.
Today, I'm sharing this secret with you. And it only takes about 10 minutes a day.
Your doctor is lying to you... and he doesn't even know it.
If you are one of the 102 million Americans with high cholesterol, no doubt your doctor has told you that you are at risk of heart disease, the No. 1 killer in the U.S.
Here are a few important tips excerpted straight from The Doctor's Protocol Field Manual:
TIP No. 28 – The absolute best food for emergency prep is canned soup. It's the main surplus food supply I keep in my own home. It's compact and easy to store. It will give you all the nutrients you need. And it keeps for a long time.
The 'Big One' has scared the bejeezus out of a lot of folks on the West Coast.
The New Yorker magazine recently published a cover story describing how vulnerable the West Coast is to a huge earthquake...
Roughly 23,000 people end up in the emergency room every year from a preventable cause.
While the symptoms range from vomiting to heart palpitations, the root cause is the same – dietary supplements.
Going to a "teaching hospital" in the months of June, July, or August is even more dangerous than usual...
If you or a loved one is considering any sort of hospital visit for an elective or nonemergency procedure, you absolutely should stay clear of any medical facility that is considered a "teaching hospital" during the summer.