The deadliest place you're likely to visit this year doesn't look all that scary...
It probably has a cheerful person sitting at a desk out front. Vibrant green, manicured lawns. And a well-educated staff that appears attentive to your needs.
The deadliest place you're likely to visit this year doesn't look all that scary...
It probably has a cheerful person sitting at a desk out front. Vibrant green, manicured lawns. And a well-educated staff that appears attentive to your needs.
We found three free and easy ways to help protect your privacy and keep your house safe from burglars and other criminals.
1) Limit what goes online. With social media sites like Facebook growing in popularity, the number of people able to see your photos and messages increases. And it attracts criminals.
Don't look up… they might be watching you.
Imagine that you and your family are gathered in your backyard having a cookout. The kids are laughing, the adults are cracking open some beers. Burgers are sizzling. And all the while, your every movement is being recorded...
Have you ever dozed off at a ball game... in a work meeting... or worse, at the wheel?
Like many people, I've dozed off behind the wheel before. It's terrifying to think about how horribly that can end. For some people, the consequences are fatal.
Imagine getting a false-positive result for a cancer that likely means you have less than a year to live. And a 94% chance you'll be dead in five years.
It can lead to undue stress and anxiety, more invasive testing, and the multiple medical side effects that you get with overtreatment.
Pancreatic cancer has the worst survival rate. Only 6% of patients survive longer than five years after their diagnosis.
But one simple way you could lower your pancreatic-cancer risk is by getting more sun...
"You have cancer." Nearly 1.7 million Americans receive this chilling diagnosis each year. Cancer kills one in four Americans. It's the second-most-common cause of death. (No. 1 is heart disease.)
And on top of the fear, a cancer diagnosis often leaves patients feeling bewildered. Your doctor will flood you with a textbook's worth of information... and an online search often prompts more questions than answers. So here are the four most important steps to take immediately after a cancer diagnosis...