Most investors will lose more than they'll win.
Even the world's best investors only get it right about 50% of the time. So you need to take steps to make the most out of your winners.
Most investors will lose more than they'll win.
Even the world's best investors only get it right about 50% of the time. So you need to take steps to make the most out of your winners.
Every morning, when I was growing up, my dad followed the same routine...
He'd get down his shaving brush and razor from the cabinet... He'd lather up with a soap mug... I can still remember the smell, and the ceramic mug with the Navy emblem of the USS Albany... before moving on to his double-edged safety razor...
"Most of our subscribers will fall into the euphoria. And most of them won't get out."
That was the grave warning last night from my good friend and Stansberry Research founder Porter Stansberry during a special event with my colleague Dr. Steve Sjuggerud and TradeStops founder Dr. Richard Smith.
"We're no longer in the phase of this historic bull market where everything is going up. It's a time when you have to be MUCH more selective."
That's what TradeStops founder Dr. Richard Smith said in an e-mail earlier this week.
Last week, I was in Palm Beach, Florida at the annual Stansberry Spring Editors' Conference.
Each year, several dozen colleagues gather to discuss current investment ideas and future trends.
Over the last nine years, we've seen a historic bull market.
But 2018 has seen an uptick in volatility. Over a period of 10 trading days last month, the S&P 500 Index fell more than 7%, a huge move for a major market index.
If you want to live a long, healthy life, do this one simple thing...
Stop using sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Enjoy this boom while you can...
Recently, I've traveled to Germany, Florida, and California. And I'm in New York right now. Planes are full and lines for taxis are long. In fact, I couldn't even get a rental car at the airport in Santa Rosa, California because they had run out of cars to rent.
It shouldn't have been a surprise...
Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve announced it's hiking the short-term "fed funds" rate to a range of 1.5% to 1.75%. The fed funds rate represents the lending interest rates between banks.
Banks are keeping billions of dollars from Americans...
Right now, according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, about $350 billion is sitting in brokerage accounts earning an average of 0.12%. That's about $420 million in interest.