Ask Doc

Learning From the Best

From navigating the "Trump Bump" to an "in person" interview with Thomas Jefferson, it's been quite a ride…

This week I'm in Vegas for the annual Stansberry Conference and Alliance Meeting. It's a gathering of the best folks in financial research. We've had presentations from Shark Tank investor Kevin O'Leary, political satirist P. J. O'Rourke, Senior Editor of Digital Products at The Economist Kenneth Cukier, and of course a range of our own talented analysts from Stansberry Research.

This May Be the Second-Biggest Call of My Career

I just made one of the biggest calls of my career.

The first came in 2010, when I realized we were in the early stages of a meaningful bull market. But money was being left on the table.

Answering Your Health Questions

You've flooded our inbox with health questions this week... from acid ingestion to meditation.

So today, we're sending a special "all health" edition of our weekly Q&A to answer some of your questions.

This Topic Scares Most of Our Readers

Our desks are an absolute mess.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a cluttered desk. And my researcher is no different. Take a look at her reading pile:

'Stop Trying to Sell Us'

Doc's note: Today, I'm sharing the final essay in our best of Retirement Millionaire Daily week. This is our most popular Q&A essay of the year, where we discuss a common complaint from our readers.


We haven't gotten many complaints in our inbox lately, but there is one we keep seeing... Folks want us to "stop selling" in our Retirement Millionaire Daily.

I'm no stranger to hating sales pitches. 

When I bought my current car, I faxed my offer to the dealership. They either took my offer or not. But it worked. I didn't have to deal with a salesperson trying to sell me more than I needed. And I didn't have to haggle over a price.

But I have to chuckle a little bit when these complaints come in... We launched Retirement Millionaire Daily as a free daily letter... with a whole team of folks working hard to research the best ways to improve your health and wealth.

If it stopped bringing in revenue, it wouldn't be long before we'd have to shut it down. To put it another way: If it weren't for our advertising, there wouldn't be any Retirement Millionaire Daily.

But here's my promise: You won't ever find me selling something that I can't get behind.

For example, the 2017 Stansberry Conference is something that I'm personally involved in. From September 27 to 28, we have a lineup of guest speakers that includes Stansberry Research analysts – including myself – several New York Times bestselling authors, a Tony Award winning producer, the son of a former president, and much more.

Seats for the conference just sold out. But you can stream the whole thing online instead. Click here to learn more.

If you're not interested, no problem. Please continue enjoying the essays we publish each day for free. Forward them to a friend... share them on Facebook. And if you get tired of being "sold to," we include a link at the bottom of each letter to unsubscribe.

Send your criticisms and complaints our way at [email protected]. We read them all.

The Chance to Double Your Money in 12 Months

Everything seems to go right for this guy.

Toward the end of 2008, he borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars against his house and invested it all in the stock market.

How to Get a Real-Time Phone Alert When the Inevitable Crash Arrives

My phone has been ringing off the hook...

Friends want to know when the crash is coming. With the market constantly marching higher, folks are getting worried.

My Bear Market Option Strategy

I'm hearing this question more and more...

"Doc, how does your options-selling strategy change in a bear market?"

You Don't Need to Be Young and Rich to Invest Successfully

Everyone can – and should – invest.

It doesn't matter if you're old, young, rich, or not.

Can I Have an HSA and Use Medicare?

Last week, after our issue on how to protect yourself from Medicare going under, we were inundated with questions. Most of them were pretty similar...

Any suggestions for people already on Medicare with a fixed income that hope to still be around in 12 years? I currently have a high deductible supplemental plan but I do not believe I can set up an HSA without earned income. Thank you. – A.W.