Spending Wisely

Avoid This Cardinal Sin of Personal Finance

Lots of people have heard that there's good debt and bad debt. But no debt is actually good...

Our Favorite Things of 2021

As part of our annual tradition, my team and I wanted to share our best gift ideas with you...

Two Ways to Conquer Your Credit Card Debt

Americans are loading up on credit card debt. Here's how to pay off those cards...

How to Avoid 'Buyer's Remorse'

There are few things worse than shelling out money for something and then feeling like you've made a mistake...

Why You Need This Overlooked Insurance

Lots of folks scoff at the idea of paying for even more insurance than we already do. But there's one you shouldn't ignore…

Three Credit Myths Your Bank Wants You to Believe

These three common credit myths are costing you money and they're putting your good credit at risk...

Five Ways to Make Tax Season Easier

"Tax season" is a phrase that make most people shudder. But it doesn't have to. Here are five ways to make it easier...

Stick It to the Taxman

2020 may already be over, but you still have a simple way to stick it to the taxman..

Leave Scammers Out in the Cold This Holiday Shopping Season

It's one of the most profitable times of the year for scammers. Don't let them scam you....

Our Favorite Things of 2020

Still shopping for Christmas? We're here to help...