Americans are making the best of the pandemic and maintaining historically high credit scores...
Spending Wisely
Here's Where to Put Your Extra Pandemic Savings
American spending is down and savings is much, much higher. Here's what you should do with it...
10 Ways to Cut Costs During COVID-19
Whatever happens with our recovery and jobs, this is the time to think about spending and saving habits...
What to Do With Your Coronavirus Stimulus Check
Keep an eye on your bank account because you could be getting a check from the government in the next few weeks.
Keep Big Retail From Stealing Your Money
Consumers 'gift' big retail about $1 billion a year. Time to put a stop to it…
Our Favorite Things of 2019
Looking for last-minute gifts? Check out our favorite things of this year...
The Only Place Worth Going on Black Friday
The deals at your local brick-and-mortar store are simply not good enough to justify losing sleep and spending hours waiting in line...
Add This 'Useless' Task to Your To-Do List Now
Doc's note: Hiring someone to write a will can be expensive. And not everyone needs the extensive help a lawyer offers. So today, I'm sharing a story from Health & Wealth Bulletin Managing Editor Laura Bente. In it, Laura explains how she easily saved hundreds of dollars by creating her own will...
"Why are you writing a will?"
When 'Cutting the Cord' Isn't Worth It
Sometimes, I think the editors of Consumer Reports read our newsletters.
The reason is that we tend to beat them to the hottest topics our subscribers want to read. The latest example involves the trend of "cord cutting" – folks ditching their cable TV subscriptions.
The No. 1 Financial Decision Everyone Should Make
About 59 million Americans are making the biggest mistake possible when it comes to finance... They turn down free money.
The U.S. Census Bureau reports that about 79% of Americans work for a company that offers a 401(k) retirement savings account, but only 41% of these people participate.