In every bear market, there's a period where investors throw in the towel for good and decide stocks aren't for them…
Ask Doc
Follow the Money
During my time on Wall Street, I learned to ignore the day-to-day headlines of the financial media…
The No. 1 Lesson I Learned on the Trading Floor
If there's one thing I've learned from my career, it's this... Wall Street doesn't care about individual investors.
The One Investment Everyone Should Own
I don't care if you're 25 or you've been retired for 10 years, you should own this...
The Better Path to Investment Success
Folks outside of finance often think that investing success comes from hot stock tips or being glued to CNBC.
A Sign We're Nearing the End of the Bear Market
There's one basic sign of market health that we look at to see whether more stocks are going up or down…
On Your Mind... ETFs, Dark Chocolate, and Bad CPR
This week, we're answering some of your big questions...
Investing Isn't About Making Money
Investing isn't really about making money. It's about developing a feel for the moment and making careful decisions…
There's a Shake-Up Coming to Wall Street
Staying on the right side of market trends sets you up for big gains. But which side is the right side today?
The Ultimate Green Light
Thanks to the Federal Reserve, we're seeing signs of the ultimate green light for the end of the bear market…