Ask Doc

Is the Reward Worth the Risk?

Risk versus reward is one of my favorite subjects in investing...

When I recommend a company to my Retirement Millionaire subscribers, I always weigh the risk of catastrophe against the potential rewards.

The Only Goals You Should Make

Small steps make a big difference...

As I mentioned in December, New Year's resolutions lead people to make big goals that they hope to achieve quickly. Unfortunately, this tactic leaves most frustrated when they don't get the results fast enough.

How to Leapfrog the Biggest Investing Hurdle

The hardest part of investing is getting started...

People have lots of reasons why they don't invest... from a lack of knowledge to a lack of funds. We've heard every excuse.

The Propaganda Machine

The mainstream media love a sensational story...

It makes for good headlines and grabs public attention. And it's great for spoon-feeding propaganda.

Are Any Painkillers Safe?

That's the No. 1 question we got in response to our essay, "The Most Popular Painkiller in America Is Deadly."

Today, we're sharing the story of a subscriber who experienced the dangers of too much acetaminophen firsthand. And we talk about whether or not you should use the second-most popular painkiller...

Why I Tell My Team to Trust, but Verify

It's advice I've given time and time again...

Whether it's a diagnosis from a doctor, a mechanic's repair estimate, or a health warning from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you should never blindly trust anyone.

Trust Yourself... And No One Else

I've seen the worst of both worlds...

I've navigated the complexity of the financial system working for the most respected firm on Wall Street. And I've learned the inner workings of the U.S. health care system working as an eye surgeon.

Who Are You Calling a Drunk?

What's the Retirement Millionaire Daily research team drinking?

Like responsible adults, most of my researchers enjoy the occasional alcoholic beverage. So we spent some time this month discussing the health benefits of wine, beer, and whiskey.

A Sincere Thank You for Joining Us

This holiday season, I want to say thank you.

We published our first issue of Retirement Millionaire Daily nearly three months ago. I wasn't sure it was going to work. It had been "in development" for several years. And it was only recently that we figured out how to make it happen.

Is Our Advice Useless?

When I first started my newsletter Retirement Millionaire in 2008, I told readers that my goal was to share a "better way to live, work, travel, save, and take care of yourself."

And I've dedicated the last seven years to that goal.